Appeals Pro

Take the headache out of Prior Authorization Denials with AI

We know your #1 complaint: dealing with Prior Authorizations


of doctors say prior authorizations negatively impact clinical outcomes


of physicians say prior authorization increases burnout

12 hours

average weekly time spent on prior authorization requests


of prior authorizations are often or always denied

Source: AMA Prior Authorization Survey

"The whole thing is deranged. The status quo is nonsense" - MD Psychiatry on Reddit

The problem is getting worse

Insurance companies are denying prior authorizations more often than ever.

Fewer than 1 in 5 physicians always appeal an adverse prior authorization decision.

This means patients are not getting the care they need, and clinics are losing revenue.

Fight back with Appeals Pro

Appeals Pro levels the playing field with Generative AI to appeal more often and faster.

One doctor went from never appealing to sending 10-20 appeals per week with AI

Another doctor's approval rate jumped from 10% to 90% with AI-assisted appeals

Source: New York Times, July 2024

Here's how Appeals Pro helps:

Health Clinic
Appeals Pro

Step 1 of 6

Health Clinic prepares the initial prior authorization request

Appeals Pro Benefits

Quickly generate customized appeals letters

Dramatically increase how often you appeal denials

Get patients the plan of care they need

Recover more lost revenue